
Emergency Lighting: What Your Facility Needs in 2024

Posted on December 11, 2023
Safety is paramount in any facility. But when you’re open to the public, it becomes even more crucial. One of the most important aspects of safety is emergency lighting. It serves as a beacon during critical moments, ensuring a safe and swift...
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Topics: Industry Updates

2023 Lighting Rebate Report: Three Trends to Watch

Posted on March 27, 2023
For electric utilities, rebates have proven to be an invaluable tool, encouraging customers to upgrade to more energy efficient bulbs, appliances, heat pumps, and more. While every rebate program has its own nuances, there are trends that...
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Topics: Industry Updates

Commercial LED Lighting Demand Will Rise by >$40B. Is Your Business Ready?

Posted on March 24, 2023
In retrospect, it’s a bit surprising how long it has taken for LED lighting to be widely adopted. LEDs were first invented more than 60 years ago, and while it was clear that they used less energy than incandescent lights it still took decades...
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Topics: Industry Updates

DLC Listing: How Do Commercial LED Products Get Approved?

Posted on December 01, 2021
Shop for an appliance these days, and you’re sure to find the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star rating for energy efficiency. Since the program’s inception in 1992, consumers have relied on this rating for guidance that the...
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Topics: Industry Updates

Weathering Volatility in the LED Lighting Market

Posted on November 09, 2021
If the 21st century has taught us anything, it’s taught us the importance of preparing for volatility: In bad times, it may be the only thing keeping you from having to make some ugly business decisions. To learn more about how to stormproof...
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Topics: Industry Updates

3 Big LED Lighting Trends to Prepare for Now...and How to Do It

Posted on September 02, 2021
When you’re busy focusing on what’s right in front of you, it can be difficult to see what’s coming down the road. As we all know, a busy schedule can eat into any time devoted to staying on top of industry trends. And even if you do find time,...
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Topics: Industry Updates

Harnessing Occupancy Sensors for Energy Savings & Safety

Posted on July 15, 2021
"Last one out of the room, turn the lights off!" If you had energy-conscious (or budget-conscious) parents, you may have heard this refrain throughout your childhood. You may even say it yourself. After all, having the lights on in an...
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Topics: Energy Savings, Industry Updates

2021 Litetronics New LED Products Roundup

Posted on July 08, 2021
At Litetronics, we always keep our ear to the ground. We don’t only listen to what you need right now – we listen to where the future of lighting is headed and how it will fit into the workplaces and facilities of the future. We’re on a mission...
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Topics: Industry Updates