
7 LED Lighting Rebate Mistakes That Cost You Money (And Lose You Sales)

Posted on June 17, 2021
LED lighting rebates are a powerful ally, helping ESCOs win more business. But they’re not always a slam-dunk: While some rebates can be simple, there are small mistakes that can jeopardize your chances of getting the rebate – and possibly the...
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Topics: Energy Savings, Industry Updates

Energy Efficient Lighting Rebates: The Best Way to Find and Apply for Them

Posted on June 10, 2021
Even with the incentive of energy savings, getting customers to spend the money needed to upgrade to energy efficient lighting can be surprisingly challenging. This is especially true during economically shaky times, when companies might be...
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Topics: Energy Savings, Industry Updates

Why Work with Litetronics Over Other Leading LED Manufacturers

Posted on May 20, 2021
What makes a company a “leading LED manufacturer?” Most would assign that title to the one who sells the most product. But that may not be what puts an LED manufacturer in the lead for your business. In LED manufacturing, as in many industries,...
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Topics: Industry Updates

How 2021 DLC Lighting Standards Can Impact Your Business - and Your Rebates

Posted on April 22, 2021
Many utilities in the U.S. require that LED lights be Design Lights Consortium (DLC) approved to qualify for energy conservation incentive programs. These DLC lighting standards encourage the lighting industry to aim toward continuous...
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Topics: Industry Updates

4 Ways the Wrong LED Lighting Manufacturer Can Slow Down Your Install Process

Posted on March 04, 2021
In a perfect world, there’s no need for a lot of back-and-forth between a contractor and an LED lighting manufacturer or distributor during a project. Ideally, you get all the information you need up front. For instance, in a perfect world...
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Topics: Industry Updates

How Coronavirus Is Impacting The Lighting Industry

Posted on April 23, 2020
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Topics: Industry Updates

How Lighting Affects A Workplace

Posted on March 13, 2020
If you’re concerned about the morale of your staff, there are some obvious considerations you probably want to make. Workload, compensation, benefits and work/life balance are all extremely important factors in how people feel about their jobs....
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Topics: Industry Updates, Luminaires, Retrofits

What came before LED?

Posted on May 21, 2019
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Topics: Industry Updates